Tidbits of Awesome Training in Elite Marketing Pro
Have you ever wanted to have a trainer who can answer every question you have?
Me too!
Unfortunately, finding that one person is a very difficult task. So the next best thing is to have several trainers.
This is one more reason to belong to Elite Marketing Pro System. Because the trainers of Elite Marketing Pro are Awesome!
The Awesomeness of these men and women
There are several reasons but I will only list a few in this blog.
First … they are easy to talk to. I have been on Google hangout training, webinar training, chat's in person and not found one trainer that would not listen and respond in away that made you feel like you were perfectly normal. Not like they are above you or have more power or any of that, you are treated like a human should be treated. You are treated IMPORTANT!
Second … they are generous with their time. Sometimes there are those of us that are more hardheaded than the usual learner, that would be me, but they stay beyond the designated time to help you get the training needed to become successful. For example in two of the last training events online about traffic David S. and Sebastian A. gave up approximately 30 minutes more to make sure the person, they were working with, fully understood.
Third … they know their stuff. They are not afraid to show you what they are doing right now that is working. They show you how to do it, not just say here is what you need to do, they actually show you click by click. How awesome is that!
Fourth … when they do not know the answer they find the answer or direct you to one who would know the answer.
We all have skills that we catch onto quicker or that seems to be natural to us so we are better at that one thing. These trainers are no different. That is the wonderful thing about having more than one trainer.
For example … Tim is great at funnels and copywriting, Matt is great on the technical building in the background, Michelle is great at Facebook. Katrina is great at blogging. This list could go on and on. Here is the point, They are an awesome resource of knowledge individually but a POWER HOUSEÂ of knowledge together.
So what are some of the tidbits ?
First …Â Sell yourself.
This is something that we must do every day and every where we have any human contact.
You must sell yourself to someone to become their friend. To go on a date. To get them to hire you. To get your children to think you are the best Dad or Mom. The best husband or wife. On the internet it is no different, people want to know and trust you before they will buy from you.
This idea of selling yourself is called branding. I don't know where or how the term got applied to selling but it reminds me of the cattle rustling days when you had to have your ranch logo burned into the cows hide so that anybody who saw that “brand” knew who the cow belonged to.
This is the same way it works for us. When people see your name, your face, your writing, your products, your logo they know that is Bill's or George or Sue. When they hear your voice they know who you are and what your history is within the market place.
Second … know the people you want to associate with.
Generally you will build rapport faster and deeper with someone who is similar to you. This is because you can and/or do have a lot of things in common so that they and you think “he is just like me.”
This can be, but is not necessarily, your avatar. There is that word that so many people have a difficulty with, “avatar”, I know I did. it is becoming clearer.
Third … have, display, hold to … Integrity.
No matter what things it may cost you, keep your integrity. People will see if you waver from this path, like animals sense fear in us, people will see this weakness in you. Once there is a hole in your clothe of Integrity it is nearly impossible to repair. The bad is not forgotten and the good is not remembered.
This is Important!
If you were looking for technical training in this blog, I am sorry, that will come in future blogs. this was important to me because if I could not have the bonding with the trainers and have the feelings that I have described here … then the training would have no value either.
If you would like to meet and get to know trainers like I have shown here, these are real people, to help you with your path to success, then click below to dip your toe in the water. See if you get the same great feeling from the training that I have.
Training That will Attract the People Who want to do business with YOU
"Finally, An Easy Way To Recruit - Rejection FREE - Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads…"
To your success
thank you
Contact me here
PS — Â If you would like to have trainers like these, they are real people, then click here just to
get a small picture of the iceberg of a life changing community. Â
I love that you bring out the importance of integrity. Never leave home without it! A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.
Ruthanne recently posted…The 90 Day Blitz Group is Going Strong!
Prov 22:1 & Eccl & 7:1 thank you Ruthanne, I fully agree
Baxter – the blog is coming together nicely! Keep up the good work and the great content! … Sharing the importance of having a coach / mentor and how you have been treated with EMP is a great testimonial.
jeff beeman recently posted…The Super Affiliate Network | Simplify and Focus
thank Jeff – and thanks for the coaching you provide