Ask one hundred people, "do you have enough persistence?" and maybe, maybe, twenty percent could say "Yes!"
A few weeks ago I was on a google hangout with Chef Katrina and met a few new friends in the network marketing atmosphere. One of them, Fernando Loaiza, was sharing some encouragement and direction about goal setting and he said, "You have to have persistence."
I thought that is really great advise because this business of networking is not a get rich quick business. I hope you got that message, it is NOT a get rich over night business.
Then a week later I am on a webinar with another great teacher named Ray Higdon and he said you have to be consistent and persistent in the business habits you do everyday.
I thought there is that word again from two great teachers so there must be something to this persistence.
Then, I set out to do some research on this matter and that is what I want to share with you today. I can't share it all in this post so I will make this a short series of post on persistence.
What is persistence?
What is Persistence? Persistence is the ability to work at something over and over until faith and skill is developed in you, that you can do what you set out to do.
Persistence is required to obtain any goal in life. Long, short, or in between, it doesn't matter some persistence is needed.
So, what is this much needed characteristic of the human will? By example;
It is finding over one thousand ways that will not work to make a light bulb, to find the one that will. Like Thomas Edison did years ago.
It is submitting a book to publishers 27 times before one says yes.
It is a soldier standing up out of a wheel chair, at the parallel bars 200 times, to learn how to walk with new metal legs and feet.
It is working with WordPress day after day to learn how it operates to get up your first blog post.
It is writing 750 or more words a day to become an A copywriter.
It is never quitting on your dream to gain the freedom you seek and help others along the journey.
Persistence is a state of mind
Coach Fernando gave the reference of the great work by Napoleon Hill -- Think and Grow Rich. He recommends reading the chapter on persistence everyday to keep your mind focused on the stick-to-it-ness called persistence.
It is a short chapter and reading it every day will help to plant the seed of "I can do it" into your subconscious which is the real strength in success.
Here is eight "must haves" to help you develop persistence to obtain your goals.
Be Absolutely sure of your purpose
- A truth is, "if you don't know where you are going any road will get you there." Create your vision and view it everyday, even twice a day and it will become stronger and stronger and will pull you to success.
Have a great Desire for that purpose
-- this is the octane in your gasoline. If you do not have desire, then what will you reach for? Why would you even begin to do any work towards a goal. What is you WHY?
Belief in your self
- (self-reliance) No one can do it for you. If you don't believe in you then who will.
Have a set of plans
-- you can not build a house with out plans. You can not build success with out plans. This is hard work which is why only those with persistence will do it.
Have the right knowledge
-- do not guess, find people who have done what you want to do and do what they did.
Cooperate with others
-- we can not and do not live in this world by our self. A great coach said, you handle things you collaborate with people.
- controlling your mind. Sounds strange but it is true. You tell your mind what to do, what to think. Use established systems and back it up with will power.
Good habits
-- we are creatures of habit - habits gets things done. Why do you brush your teeth, fix your hair, are on time or always late? The answer is Habits, good or bad ones, it's habits.
In my next eight blogs I will go into this list one at a time. In the meantime, if you found this useful please leave a comment below. If you think someone could use this please share it with them.