How to Power Start Your Day In A Positive Direction
YOU are in charge of your day. Power starting your day in a positive direction is a valuable key to having a great day. And who doesn’t want to have a great start and a great day? Nobody.
But, here is what people do every day when they wake up.
The first thought is, I feel lousy, it’s not going to be a good day.
And so begins their day to a lousy day and most others that they come in contact with.
Why? because they share what a bad day it was, is, and will be. All because of a thought that could be controlled and changed.
Take Control of Your Own Power Start Thought Process
If you are one that wakes up with feelings of self-doubt, anxious or nervous about the day ahead, worried about an upcoming job interview or test, or anything of the sort… this is for you.
It’s time to start making a conscious (thinking) effort to begin the day on a positive note. And I mean right when you wake up!
Here is the first thing to do.
First, think of this as a game. A game you are going to W.I.N. (What’s Important Now) Get yourself three alarm clocks, yes three. Set all three to ring two mins apart. Make the last thought of the night to be like this. When the first alarm sounds I am out of this bed and ready to master the day one step at a time.
When, not if, when you do this you WIN the first step of the day. If you wait till the second alarm you have lost a great start. This doesn’t mean you can’t restart your day, but it’s best when you get it right the first time.
Next, make your bed. That’s right make your bed right then. Here is why. This will be your second WIN. If nothing else goes right or gets accomplished you have conquered two goals. Pat yourself on the back. Do this by raising your hands in a victory movement and saying, “It’s going to be a great day!”
Then third. Keep a pad of paper or journal right next to your bed. Reach for it as soon as you are through with steps one and two. DO NOT SIT ON YOUR BED! Go to a chair, desk, table or stand up and write. This is a great time to write down your goals and set intentions, in the AFFIRMATIVE voice of course. In the beginning two, three, four, or five words per goal. Short at first is good until you get in the habit of thinking about what great things are going to take place today.
These can be daily goals or weekly goals, it’s up to you – just make sure you reference them every morning. You get to set the tone for a triumphant day like an early workout or chugging down water first thing in the morning (which is an awesome thing to do) you get to set the tone of a triumphant day.
Each Day You Wake Up Is a Fresh To Get Ahead Of Your Inner Critic
Each new day is a fantastic opportunity to strengthen a power start your day, routine and take control of your thoughts before any other media and worse your own inner critic.
First, if the day before you did not do exactly what you wanted for a WIN throughout your day, say, I forgive myself. If you have to look in a mirror eye to eye, then do it. Say I forgive myself with belief and meaning, with understanding it is a new day and you are in control.
Let me give you two thoughts.
One, you must make a plan (set goals/intentions) every day to give you directions. Without a plan, you do not know which direction to turn or to come back to if/when you get off track. Therefore, your power start day is already weakened. A great general once said a plan is necessary but the best-laid plans fall to pieces when the boots hit the ground.
Darren Hardy said you have control of your day from the time you get up until you go to work (ex. 8-5). And from the time you get off work until you go to sleep. In between, everything will try to take you away from your plan.
The next thought is procrastination is simply your emotions trying to distract you from upsetting the comfort zone you are in. Did you get that? YOUR EMOTIONS, your inner critic saying, you failed why do you bother to continue, stay in the bed, we are good, you deserve a break… and however yours speaks to you.
Say — STOP IT! as if you were talking to a child about to get injured by pulling a frying pan full of hot grease onto their head. You would say it loud and meaningful… STOP IT! you are going to get burned!!
Understand that is exactly what you are talking to, your subconscious is about 7 years old and you need to do something to STOP THE SCROLLING! A power start pattern interrupt.
Now say, that’s right I did mess up, but I forgive myself and today is another opportunity to strive for excellence. Then, look at the plan you have written for the day.
Just one more effective step… look at what you have just written down, starting in the middle and moving your eyes out to the four corners of the paper, and blink your eyes as if you have just taken a photo with a camera.
Throughout the day flash that photo into the front of your mind to see the goals you have written down.
Now eat the piece of paper so that you are devouring the words… Just kidding but you could put it in your pocket and look at it throughout the day also to strengthen the mental picture of who you are becoming.
You are giving your mind (inner critic) no room to sneak in any self-limiting beliefs because you are combating self-doubt right away!
Summary of How to Power start your day
Realize you are in charge of your emotions and your thoughts. Both are natural things that occur every day of our life. How you respond to them is what makes a good or bad start to your day.
So then, take control of your thoughts – I am getting up on the first alarm, making my bed, and writing down a plan.
Control your inner critic. Forgive yourself, stop the scroll, and replace it with positive action statements. Take a mental photo put your body in a physically strong position (superman/wonder woman) now go conquer your day.
You have the power to succeed
PS –
This is an awesome blog – thanks for the great tips