How can making the choice to unlock your potential by keeping motivated be such a big commitment?
Because making any choice is a big commitment when you are serious about becoming better. But... it will be worth the effort, and it’s smart to set up built-in motivation before you need it.
You see there will be setbacks and times when you question if the goal is really worth the time and energy it requires to reach it.
When you hit a slump, or come up against self-doubt, here are some ways to get back your motivation to continue taking the action steps required to unlock the potential inside you.
Keep Motivation by Looking back at what you’ve already accomplished
Occasionally, you may feel like you are working hard, but getting nowhere.
This can dampen your enthusiasm for sure. But you’ve done more than what you realize!
Think of what things have you done...
- in elementary school like saying all your multiplication tables in front of the class
- in high school or college maybe your were the class president
- at your church you taught a class for a quarter
- at the recreation dept over the summer maybe you coached a team
- at summer camp you earned so many merit badges
- In another job you have had became a manager
Go back through your planner or goal journal and refresh your memory of all the small steps you’ve taken that add up to getting you much closer to reaching the goals you’ve set for yourself.
When you get through making this list you will see how successful you already have been and now how you can move forward with the same attitude.
Hang around with like-minded people
When you first make the decision to go for your goal in a big way, you should look for support to help you achieve it.
Having the chance to hang out with others who have the same goal is an important way to learn new things and get support.
It’s easy now to find people with the same ambitions - look online in forums or look at options in your local area. Many times, you can find a group who meets regularly to be there for you when you need a boost.
Also I want you to look for methods of achieving your goal. That is look for someone who has already did what you want to do and find out how they did it. The method they used.
This will not only put you in contact with like-minded people but also people who have had the failures and recovered. They can help you see the mistake and work to fix it.
Use a sounding board keeps motivation high
Talking out (that is talking out loud to somebody) where you are stuck can be a huge help!
Choose one of the people in your support group or even a sympathetic friend or relative to use as a sounding board.
(A side note... if you choose a sympathetic friend or relative make sure they really are just that, share your goals with those who are not going to put you down.)
Even if they haven’t been in your exact situation before, they will have experienced something in their lives similar enough that they will be able to empathize.
They don’t necessarily need to give you advice; they just need to listen. Many times, just having someone to talk a problem out with can help you easily find the solution.
A solution that I like also that works for me is doing a video or an audio recording of me teaching what I am working on. Then, go back and listen to it or watch it with a learning eye and ear. Many times you will hear what you need as you teach and if you do say it while recording. You will have solved the challenge and you have it to review again.
Keep motivation high by Breaking tasks down into smaller pieces
You probably have heard it said... how do you eat an elephant? The answer is... one bite at a time. Taking on a big goal is a wonderful life changing journey that you have to live one day at a time.
Here is the first thing you do... write out your goal as clear as you see it right now (it will be come clearer late as you start the journey).
Taking on big goals can be frightening. And.. that's good if you are not scared it maybe the wrong goal.
Next break the journey down in to weekly steps to get done.
Then if you are feeling like you can’t deal with a particular action you need to take to move on, try breaking it down into several pieces. Break it down to daily actions even if it is one step.
Put the other away so you only see the daily things that need to be done. this tricks the mind into thinking this is all I have to do? I can handle it.
That will make it feel more manageable, and you will be able to see success more quickly as you check smaller tasks off your list.
Tired of setting goals but never reaching them?
The Secret to Achieving Your Goals
is Self-Motivation.
Download this Free Guide and Learn How to
Get and Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals
When you first set goals, you’re usually fired up and ready to start, immediately. Somewhere along the way, you lose momentum and your motivation to continue begins to lag. It’s human nature. Everyone does it.
Motivation is the key to moving forward in everything you do. Whether you want to better yourself as a person or at work, to lose weight or get fit, or become the best version of yourself, you need the motivation to achieve it.
The good news, there are ways to get and stay motivated even when things get boring, difficult or out of control.
Sign up now to receive your guide and start achieving the goals you set.
Here's what you'll learn from this free report:
- The #1 challenge everyone faces when trying to reach their goals and what you can do to change it
- 5 things you can do to get your motivation pumping for every day action
- A simple, but effective way to stay motivated that takes only 1-3 minutes
- How to create milestones to keep you motivated and what NOT to do with milestones
- What to do when you are bored or frustrated with a task
(that even seasoned entrepreneurs do)
To your success
Baxter Cribbs
Staying motivated is not always easy because life can cause so many distractions but this free guide can help you stay the course
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