How to Give the Gift of Improving Life – a Win Win Gift
“It is better to give than to receive”
These are the words of the greatest teacher – one of the ideas behind this is to become selfless.
Many are selfish. We are to Love one another, cultivate and nurture relationships to help one another on our journey in life.
There are a few ways that this is done that really helps out so that there is a win win situation.
Helping those that want to learn how to help themselves
Many have lost the idea or notion that they are suppose to work to earn the way in life. This came from to many handouts.
Working builds character and it teaches you how to get things done in an orderly fashion. It also teaches you how to think, another lost art.
When people are in a hungry state they will learn to do things that will change that state of being because being hungry is a very bad state to be in, physically and mentally.
There are those organizations that seek out people who are hungry for change and hungry for food and help them in many ways.
One of those organizations is Heifer International.
Heifer is on a mission to help end hunger and poverty by providing relief and empowering struggling communities around the globe to become self-reliant. They help provide a number of communities around the world with livestock, education and empowerment to people who need help right now. You can find out more here
It is good if you want to contact them yourself and be apart of the helping force and/or you can help through the company that I partner with to get a win – win giving and learning situation .
This way the less fortunate win, you win and the people you can help in the future will win because you helped them to do better and be better also.
Here is How
The company I partner with are caring professionals, with great leadership, and a willingness to help others grow. So they have put together this opportunity (again, they did it last year also) for those who want to be apart of the helping hand.
On Black Friday – instead of fighting the crowds and purchasing (maybe) some item that will sit on a shelf some where join us for a value packed training that will help you for the rest of your life and help those in need in their life, right now.
Here is what to do
Click here — There is more information about this complete event. I promise you the value is over the top and you will feel good all over when you take action to be apart of this.
I hope to see you there on Black Friday and that we may become partners in future relationships.
To your success