The 3 Foot Rule, can it Really Work?
I have never been in a MLM or Network marketing business where the 3 foot rule of marketing is or was taught. So, to say I have been through this feeling in a business sense, I can not say I have done some of the stories I hear and read about. And some are quiet funny and others horrifying.
Let Me Explain What I Understand About This Practice.
First, you go some where there are a lot of people and anyone that comes within 3 feet of you is suppose to be a prospect.
Let me tell you a story. I went to a mall in Augusta, Georgia, to find a gift for my wife while her sister was going through cancer treatments and… everybody was within 3 feet of me!
There were so many people there you could not turn around and go the other way. It was like driving in Atlanta in rush hour! Every body is moving fast and you can not change lanes because no one will let you in.
During that visit it was difficult to talk to anyone! I tried asking where a certain store was in the mall. I got funny looks, fingers that pointed to another store in the wrong direction, and fingers that were pointed at me with symbolic suggestions (you know what I mean).
Down here in the deep south, a little town called Waycross, I could see some one trying to practice this technique. There are very few people. In fact you would have time to get rejected on one side the mall walk across the isle way to catch the next one come down.
In Todd Falcone's Book “Fearless Networking” he talks about this very thing. More on this in a moment, but first a question.
How Far is 3 Feet?
How far is 3 feet? Let me put it this way… if you are 3 feet in front of me we are about to huge each other. I am a carpenter (Handyman/hardware store/lumberyard manager) so I know how to read a tape measure pretty good.
So let's see, 1 yard is 3 feet and 3 feet is 36 inches and 36 inches is nose to nose with a stranger. And that is too close when I do not know you. You are in somebody's space (in America — I don't know about other countries)and that can get you hurt!
A Human Body Formula for 3 Feet
It is a general rule that you are as tall as you are wide — meaning from tip of center finger to tip of center finger with your hands stretched out from side to side. How to find out if this is true lay on the floor and have someone mark the floor at you heels and at the top of you head.
Now turn ninety degrees from those marks and stretch out your hands from one mark to the other one on the floor. If I were a betting man I would say you are dead on the marks or within one inch of those marks.
What does this mean? That if you extend your left hand out and can touch some one — that is three feet. Now START TALKING ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS! And do it fast before they can get away.
A Professional's Advice
Todd Falcone explains the right practice like this.
“I never walk up to a stranger and say, “Hey do you want to hear about how to make some money?”
People will look at you crossed eyed or run in the other direction – says Todd.
That would be like walking up to a woman you have never met and saying, “hey lets get married tonight!” The next thing would probably be a slap in the face or some name calling that starts with a P.
Todd explains – “the three foot rule means if you are near someone then there maybe an opportunity to “CONNECT” with someone so “if” the opportunity arises you can bring up your business. This way you can have a nice conversation about it.”
Todd continues … “proximity is important. If I find myself in a situation where someone is reasonably close to me and I can think of something to say to them, I will.”
This is the normal process of a relationship. You talk about the weather, or what a pretty day, something to break the ice.
Here is a perfect example. (Well Maybe, let's see)
The front counter person called a yard worker to the front to help load a wheel barrel for a lady. No one came fast enough for me.
So I went up to the lady who had her arms folded as if waiting impatiently, I grabbed the wheel barrel by the handles and said,
“I heard you wanted to ride in my wheel barrel!”
She started laughing and off to her vehicle we went and we were talking about our children before she left. I knew she was retired, had 3 grown children, how old and where they lived and she was going to clean her yards. I invited her back to get rakes and shovels and mulch or we could deliver. Thank You and off she went.
If I had walked up on someone like that in the mall that would not be our conversation. And here is the difference. She came into my space looking for something I had that fixed her problem.
She needed a wheel barrel. My sign said, “I have a wheel barrel.” Understand this…the 3 foot rule when done correctly works! Todd's fame and bank account is proof. But what if all you customers came to you instead of you hunting them?
Now it is easy – “How can I help you today ma'am/sir?” “I would like to look at your wheel barrel's, nail gun, 2 x 4's etc.” The 3 foot rule is now non-threatening to you or the customer.
Here is the Solution
If this sounds like something you would like to happen in your business then let me introduce you to Attraction Marketing Formula.
This is a complete book about a How to system. Lets look at the contents.
- How to use the internet to automate your lead generation and Down-line building
- How to Brand your business and get thousands of people to trust you
- What doing your laundry can teach you about building your marketing pipeline
- The Magic slot machine
and so much more …
- How to do the Market Research so you have an unfair advantage over others
- Find out the secrets to Cyber Real Estate
- How to build an online door way to your empire
- How to use email automation to grow you list
Check it out right here. Maybe you can make people laugh and feel comfortable and wanted around you and be your life time customer.
It sure beats getting rejected by doing the 3 foot rule the wrong way.
Thank you
PS if you are not ready for the small investment to start attracting leads to your business then here is a FREE 10 day boot camp to help get you started.