How An Unexpected Spinal Condition Helped My Marketing
![Herniated disc bc FB -PixTeller-1350722 upper back pain](
"Let The Pain Push You Until
The Vision (Pleasure) Pulls You"
I heard this quote first from Ray Higdon who gives the credit to Dr Rev Michael Beckwith. I understood the concept when I first heard it, but the reality of it did not come to me until a recent spinal condition that really brought pain to the front of my life.
In the success field, that is, "the pursuit of a worthy goal" (Earl Nightingale), many times our desire to achieve those goals are not strong enough to get us out of the situation we are in. Pain on the other hand will cause you to find answers, to learn new things, to try different ways to get away from the pain.
So we should/could let the pain of not being our on boss, not having enough money, enough time to do the things we want, (ex, be with our kids, mate, take vacations etc) cause you to reach forward and in a super strong way.
This is what a serious spinal condition cause me to understand.
Here is what happened...
My First Encounter with a Spinal Condition
"What is this knife sticking in my back?"
It is 3:00 am and I am woke up by this stabbing, twisting, consistent pain on my spine. And to the right of that right under the edge of my shoulder blade is another stab. At first, I can't move the pain is so great and it feels just like a knife has been stuck in my back.
The pain is in the center between the shoulder blades and then over to the right under the shoulder blade. As I lay there, I am thinking what could I have done to cause so much pain? And... what have I done? Did I break something, tare something, what?... I am asking myself.
OK... can I get out of bed? Get a hot shower to see if that will help. (the Self talk continued) You have been hurt before, swing up with your feet first and push with your elbow to roll up...GO!
"Good Grief charlie brown... the pain is unbelievable!"
There has to be a gremlin on my back twisting that blade. It is a good thing I was in the dark for the look on my face would have scared myself!
Spinal conditions are not relieved by a hot shower
And... not by much of anything else. I let the hot water pound on the pain spot till I thought I was going to burn my skin. No relief.
I go to the kitchen and find the ibuprofen, 800 mg I am thinking will calm it. An for the next two days ibuprofen was my new M&M's. But there was no change in the back or the pain. I finally get into the chiropractor at 5 pm.
He is a miracle worker! Spinal condition solved!
Until I sit up the next morning, when his doors opened at 8:30 am, I was standing in line with all my pain.
Short Term Success Fixes
On our success journey, (marketing is mine,) we start out with the pain as mentioned above and we suffer and struggle to make a few things happen and then... nothing.
It is like it all just quits. No likes, clicks, comments, leads, face to face or sales. The pain has come back and it is saying to you... "this doesn't work!"
For a serious pain, spinal condition or otherwise, there is no overnight success. For a journey of a thousand miles there is no overnight success. You have to dig for answers, learn new ways to approach the same thing. You have to ask the questions...
What did work or what did I do right?
What didn't work or what did I do wrong?
What can I change?
Just like the hot shower, Ibuprofen, and chiropractor did not work on the first try or the second or the third time. I had to keep trying, so I tried this...
Some spinal conditions are not relieved by a shot
The Chiropractor does the adjustment... and there is no change, except for my wallet.
He says... "I believe you have a pinched nerve." That, my friend, is a bad spinal condition.
He refers me to a sports injury doctor. I get a shot in the spot under the shoulder blade and three prescriptions... and leave with my pain. None of which worked.
Over the next 10 days I see the chiropractor two more times and me and the ibuprofen bottle raise our relationship to 1000 mg as often as needed.
Referred to get an MRI for the Cervical (Neck) part of the back
After I am referred to the MRI lab it takes 4 days to hear from them and then the appointment is set up for a week later. If I use my insurance it is 2000 $ (more pain in the wallet) if I pay cash it is... 400$. What do you think I did?
I am filling out the paper work in the MRI office and it says... MRI for Cervical. Now, I'm thinking this pain is not in my neck? It is in the middle of my back! But... that pain is what they call "referred pain" but the problem is my neck.
Just like my arm and hand are numb, that comes from the pinched nerve in my neck.
Get professional help but keep learning and trying
It did not dawn on me right then, but this is why having a coach is so important. They can point to the real problem/challenge, where the real pain is coming from. A good coach has x-ray eyes and can see what is not working. (Want a great coach check out Dr Bob Clarke)
I get the MRI done and with disc in hand take it back to the chiropractor to read. While I am waiting to hear the verdict I decided I am going to workout. I am in pain and waiting. What more harm can I do? Cautiously, I go through the workout, and... it actually relieved the pain for several hours.
The Doc calls a week later and says I am referring you to a pain management clinic in another town. That appointment is set up for two weeks later. This is three weeks of waiting! I have to do something, I have found little ways to get relief. The best way that I found was...
My spinal condition is relieved by... working out
By the time I get to the pain management place I am back to working out 3 days a week.
Controlled body weight exercises and not doing anything stupid gave me more and more relief so that I backed way off the ibuprofen. (down to zero)
I studied and learned about the spinal condition to get a full (maybe) understanding of the situation. On your journey to success never, never, never stop learning.
When I get into the office consultation at the pain clinic they give me two options:
- a shot that might work or not
- and a recommended surgery.
that's it! I said, that's not management! that's drugs and a knife. I don't like either of those choices.
I missed the pain injection appointment because I was no longer in pain (enough for that anyway).
I kept on working out and searched for a corrective chiropractor that would work with me.
( Pain is like any other thing, it attracts people who have pain (aka - attraction marketing) and through those associations a few local names were handed to me. Keep on trying but be looking for a great coach to point out and share with you what you could do to improve things. For my back the chiropractor was that coach. I purchased programs from an injury coach. I listened to others who have overcome serve body conditions)
I found one. After examining the MRI (the photo at the top) and asking me with enthusiasm if surgery had been recommended, and discussing what is taking place we decided on a plan and began right then. He beat me up for about fifteen minutes and that was good. Progress is being made.
Let's Compare spinal condition to marketing
In marketing, or any business, there are going to be sudden pains, and sometimes for no reason. Of course there is a reason but at first it is not visible to you.
When the "Google Slap" came several years ago many people woke up in serve pain because their business was gone!
Many have felt the sting of Facebook, and YouTube when their account was suddenly shut down.
In 2006, 7, & 8 when the housing industry killed over many lost their... um... shirt.
What did people start doing?
The first question was... what happened? (shock has set in), and what can I do to get out of this pain? some, sadly could not take it. They cried, they sold everything, some went bankrupt, others just disappeared. But then there were those who recognized the pain for what it was, studied the best way to handle it and kept on doing.
In your journey do the same. Let the pain push you to learn more, to think more, to try different approaches to the same thing. Learn the new rules and adapt. But do not quit.
What I learned from this sudden spinal condition about marketing or any road of success
I say "what I learned" because not everybody will learn the same thing every time. How does that saying go... "When the student is ready the teacher will appear."
First, get your mindset together. It is so easy to fall off in the "woo-is-me" thought process, self pity and all that other negative thinking that will keep you stuck or sink you deeper. Here is a program I have added to my daily routine that has been easy and effective.
Second, Pain really can drive you to hunt, pursue, dig after a way to get relief. When you hurt bad enough you will look for relief.
Third, get around the right people. I did not want surgery. I did not want pain pills and shots! (I am allergic to needles) I wanted why, how, and show me, teach me how to fix it. Find those that will encourage, direct, and help you find a way. Get a great coach and listen to him/her and do what they say.
Fourth, be willing to take a little pain to get rid of the pain. Going through exercises, stretches and chiropractic adjustments has its pains, but the worse pain to me was sitting there doing nothing in pain. You have to make your self do the mundane, the little things that are consistent daily practices. There is great pain in sitting for two hours at your computer and getting nothing done.
Fifth, learn how to do a little here and a little there. Find the time spots and the quick things that can be done. I could not sit for more than fifteen minutes. My right arm and hand would go numb and I had no strength and no control and a stabbing pain would appear in my back. But... I had to continue.
My Summary
It took me about 3 months to bring the pain under control. It is not gone but controlled.
My indecent is small compared to many who have no legs or hands, disfigurements from accidents etc. etc. but they kept going and keep going because of several pains.
I am thankful that I had some of these things in place to help me stay accountable, consistent and trying to move ahead on my goal. I had three coaches and groups of people under those three that help me.
I have a day job that is part of my financial support that I had to continue at and do the job. I encourage you to Learn how to let the pain push you until you vision pulls you.
And in case you have missed it in the post... get a coach. I recommend Dr Bob Clarke.
![Baxter-with-transparet-BG spinal condition](
to your success,
Baxter Cribbs
You can contact me at --
connect with me on Facebook at BaxterC