Help Put An End To World Hunger and Poverty - Baxter Cribbs

Help Put An End To World Hunger and Poverty

A great man once said, “the poor you will always have.”

Then he says in another place, —

“When your grain is ready and you harvest your field leave the corners of the field and any that you drop so that the poor might come and gather to eat.” (paraphrased)wheat harvest cereals

The time has changed but the facts and principles of man have not.  We are still to have concern and heart for those who are not as blessed as we are.

There are opportunities every where this Thanksgiving weekend to help those who might be without.  The link below will take you to one of those groups who are making an effort to do so.

You might be thinking, “but I don’t have but a few dollars, how is that going to help?”  Here is how …

Just as a penny doubled everyday will soon turn into a fortune, or as the water Hyacinth will cover a pond in thirty days, so to will your donation together with others  multiply to give great relief to those in need.

Got heart?  Then click the link below  and not only will you help someone but there is a lot of knowledge to be shared also.

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Baxter Cribbs

Baxter Cribbs -- I like marketing and Copywriting and helping other learn the same. When I am not learning about either of these I like to work out. The outdoor YMCA track is his favorite place. I also like studying and talking about the scriptures. I believe a person should be growing until the end of life.

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