Have You Stopped Lying to Yourself?
Are you lying to yourself again?
Did you know that Lying to Yourself is hazardous to your self-image?
When we lie to others we are consciously deceiving That person so that we can get something that we want from them in some kind of way.
Lying can be very dangerous. It brings about a lot of problems like breaking a trust. It hurts feelings very deeply and we can even lose family and friends because of this.
If lying to others is not bad enough consider what happens when you lie to yourself. This is what I want to talk about today, lying to yourself. This does the same thing to you!
You break your trust — it hurt your own feelings very deeply and you can lose the closest most needful family and friend … your self-image.
My Coach said …
I am in a coaching class on Tuesday night and the coach said,
“don't choose more than you can do in the beginning because I don't want you to lie to yourself.
I want you to be able to accomplish something so you have some successes.“
I agree with that because this reminded me of listening to Dr. Maxwell Maltz many years ago. Then, Dan Kennedy with “The New Psycho-cybernetics with Dan Kennedy” later also said, that when you're setting goals and then do nothing with what you told yourself, then, you have damaged the self-image.
This is because the self-image hears “you're lying to me!”
How does this affect us?
As we go through life we tell ourselves, I want to get this and I want to do that, and I'm going to be successful. “If” in all the times past you have told yourself that statement and did not follow through, then your self-image is going to say “false alarm.”
It's kind of like the boy who cried wolf and he kept calling “there is a wolf” and people would run out! Finally, they figured out okay there is no wolf. So one day when there was the wolf and he cried “Wolf” nobody came.
You're self-image works in the very same way. When you say, I want to take over the world! You set a goal make a plan to go do and you do not follow through with that, the self image hears you crying wolf and figures out you're lying to yourself.
So what do we have to do as was suggested in my coaching class is to do something in the beginning that you know you can do.
This accomplishes several things.
Number one, you are doing something you know you can do and you will not quit before it is done.
What this does is give you little victories along the way. Your subconscious, your self confidence and your self esteem say to your self image, Good job!
Number two, your self image says let's do that again. Now you can start to stretch yourself. Brian Tracy says only add 25% to 50% over your last goal. This way it is believable, and will be accepted by the self image as something you can now accomplish.
In my case I am doing two blog post a week, to increase that by 50% would be to do 3 blog post a week. This is a very simple process to stop lying to our self.
To recap — use the KISS method – (Keep It Simple Stupid)
- do what you know right.
- increase your goal only by 25% to 50%
- Rinse and repeat.
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thank you
P.S. Lying to yourself can be devastating to success. If you are having a difficult time prospecting then you should give Attraction Marketing Formula a try.
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912 590 5267
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