Baxter Cribbs

Doing More To Move You Forward

If you never do more than you are getting paid for... 

Then you will never get paid for more than you are doing

Consider…  most want to get ahead in life, but how many really push to get ahead?

There is much to do in life that can propel you forward but….

Why should I do that without pay? is the question that stops many.

Doing more does not always cost you more. It could mean that you …

…smile more

…are more courteous

…dress better

…give more compliments

…hug more people

…listen more

…wrap a gift extra special

…pick up the phone rather than an email

…send a personal note rather than a text message

Here is a thought… to think more about.

Have you ever stood in front of a fireplace and said…

“Give me heat and I will give you wood.”

It doesn’t work that way with the fireplace and

It doesn’t work with success in anything

You have to give more than you are getting paid for

Before you get more for what you are doing.

Have a great day doing more

To your success

Baxter Cribbs

PS if you are looking for ways to meet more great people on LinkedIn to put your valuable information in front of them, then get this free download of scripts and tips for that platform. Just put in your email and check your inbox or your spam folder because of your email settings. 

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