How important is your health to you when you retire or semi-retire? I am sure everyone that retires, wants to be able to move around freely and have a good heart and respiratory system.Isn’t that the idea of retirement? Is to be able to enjoy the things that you could not or did not do while […]
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“Most People will find ways to avoid confronting productivity and will waste their time , even if they have to work at it!”This is what Dan Kennedy said in his book “No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs” as he watched people from Ohio to Arizona do what he called time wasters. He had determined that his […]
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Two Killers to SuccessKillers to success do not come dressed in long trench coats and top hats with machine guns. Just the other day I was asked – Are you serious about your business? Yes, I am serious! was my answer and the conversation continued. But, afterward I had to stop and consider the question. Am I […]
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Motivation or Inspiration?“Good morning how is it going this morning?” I asked. “I am dragging, so I am headed to the coffee shop to get some motivation” the man replied. He was referring to a shot of caffeine to Kick start his day. This is our subject for today — Motivation or inspiration – what is the […]
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Three Tips to prepare for retirementThese are three powerful tips to prepare for retirement. These are some major decisions that I had to make as someone who at one time lost all that I had for a retirement. I did not have much but it was what I had started. Now I am on the path to […]
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KaBoom!! The Shotgun rang out in my ear and my cousin fell on the ground screaming!Then, his brother and me ran up to where he was laying on ground, and his brother was screaming, “I shot my brother! I shot my brother!” There we were, three boys 14,15, and 16 two miles out in the woods […]
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The Super Moon – Is There a Lesson Here?By now everybody has heard about the Super Moon. It has done come and gone, but if you have not here is some amazing facts. It is not the first one – they have happened since it was told to circle the earth – and that was a […]
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3 foot is a hand shake distance The 3 Foot Rule, can it Really Work?I have never been in a MLM or Network marketing business where the 3 foot rule of marketing is or was taught. So, to say I have been through this feeling in a business sense, I can not say I have […]
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Habits, they help you to have successI heard a great sales teacher say, “Bad habits are easy to develop but hard to live with, Good habits are hard to develop but easy to live with.” I remember thinking that is so true. It was easy to begin smoking when I was young. I was easy NOT […]
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What Does Success look like?I recently got a cup from a friend of mine and I shared that with you on the blog post “It’s a great day to say thank you, don’t miss the opportunity.” On the cup, it reads, “this is what an awesome entrepreneur looks like.” The idea was that when you turn […]
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