Breaking through the emotional barrier of fear can change your life!
In the 1960’s Dr Maxwell Maltz published a book that would change the lives of people around the world. Psycho-cybernetics was published and has continued to sell.
In his book he talked about five emotional factors that creates a barrier between you and peak performanc
e. The fifth one was fear. Dan Kennedy covers this in a CD set on “The New Psycho-cybernetics with Dr Maltz.”
But more recently I was listening to a daily program called “Daily Dose of Awesome” and boy is it ever Awesome!
Fernando Loaiza, one of my favorite coaches, (they are all good) did a 15 minute talk on what he titled -Stepping through Fear to Freedom. I want to share with you what I got from this information packed talk.
The Associating Example
First he used and example from the weight loss world to get you to understand something then he transferred it to the self employed world. I have a friend who did the very thing coach spoke about, it happened like this…
I have an elderly friend that had a stomach clamp put in (you know where you can only eat so much at one time.) The doctor had told him to go on a diet like the one he would be on after the surgery. He was suppose to be on this diet for 3 to 4 weeks.
It was a two fold purpose. One, if he could lose weight with the diet he would not need the surgery. Two, it was to prepare him for the transition after the surgery. Since he did not do this he became sick, a lot, after he ate.
He did lose 40 lbs after the surgery but he quickly gained it back because he did not have the right mind set. Because he was still a fat person in a skinny body. He did not transition to become a different person.
Another example — A member of my family was an alcoholic. He was locked up for six months and did not have even a vapor of alcohol in his blood stream. On the day he was released, within one hour he had a drink in his hand. The reason — the whole time he thought about, “I’m going to get a drink.” He was an alcoholic in a sober body.
You must Make A Transition
If you intend to become self-employed you must transition into being a self-employed person. Coach Fernando says right now you are in a comfort zone of working 40 hrs a week. Where, when you leave the job — you leave the job there. You go home sit in your easy chair and wait for the next eight hour day to start. So then, the facts are … someone else is controlling and directing you and your time.
When you become self-employed you must direct your time, your work, your money, etc. You must learn all of the tools needed to run the company and get things done in an organized and profitable way. If the mind shift has not been made you slide back into the comfort zone of the 40 hr work week.
What I am about to attempt to do is to paint a picture, like Coach Fernando did for me, of the process your mind and body goes thru when you are trying to step out of your comfort zone to promote new personal growth.
You have a goal that inspires you, moves you, and makes you a little bit scared. You get you goal in your mind and on paper. You also spend time visualizing what you will look like in your new position. Visualize what you will be doing as the CEO of You Incorporated.
But, you come to a point in the process where Fear raises its ugly head and you feel like you are at a sticking point. So you ask the question, What do I do now?
Here is where we start to understand what the process is of our mind and body to make this change.
Step One
First draw a circle and put a line in it from left to right. In the top half write conscience mind. In the bottom half write sub conscience mind. (see ex. below)
In the sub conscience department is where your self image lives. Your self image controls everything you do. If it does not see you as some one who can push yourself out of your comfort zone … you never will.
Now , let’s put an X in the sub conscience department. This represents your present conditioning. Your comfort zone. It is easy to attract X type thoughts and actions because this is what you are conditioned to do, the problem is your results stay the same also.
Step Two
Now place a Y in the conscience department of the circle. This Y represents the new goal you want become or achieve. In the conscience mind you accept or reject ideas. So you have to accepted this Y to start the process. Even after you accept it … all it will do is sit there until you act upon it.
Step Three
The job now is to move the Y from the conscience mind into the sub conscience mind. This is done by constant repetition of writing your goal, having correct self talk and using the language of the sub-conscience … visualization. It works in pictures.
As you do this everyday your body will start to agree with the thoughts that you are producing. As you begin to approach the changing point the old sub conscience X will begin to say to you — do you really think you can do this ? you are not good at running a business , or whatever it maybe that you are trying to change.
Here is where you have to make a choice. Many give in and go back to the comfort zone. This is not for you. Here is a helper — FEAR is exactly what you are suppose to be feeling. When you understand this you will be empowered!
I don’t know if I got this right but I heard something like this … Everybody has fear, Hero’s just face it 3 seconds longer.
So you choose to continue, to write your goal, talk about your goal, visualize your goal and do something everyday towards that goal and you will break past the emotional barrier of fear to become a peak performer.
So here is what will happen as you continue — your Y is implanted into your sub-conscience so that you have x-y thinking. Then , as we go on your Y begins to replace your X until your Y becomes your new X.
Now it is time to start over the process again–you have grown from the same ole ho-hum everyday results to a step above … a happy, successful type person that now wants to get even better.
So you can have the same experience that I did or have the opportunity that I did to learn click below to hear Coach Fernando Loaiza in his talk on “Daily Dose of Awesome.”
It is my goal to help you understand how to take control of your mind and move your life forward and I hope this has helped you have this understanding. It can be applied to any goal you set in your life.
If you have a business then, I praise you for your efforts to help others and bring freedom to your life. Maybe this has reminded you of something you already knew.
If your goal is to become self-employed, an Entrepreneur, and grow your own business along with your self, then I want to invite you to look and see what this system has to offer you . click here to have the opportunity to change your X to a Y
To improving your self
You can contact me at
PS it is never to late to make a transition in your life, and having a system that supports your choice is the is the fastest way to achieve your goal click here to see for your self