Baxter Cribbs

5 Keys to Continous Persistence

Continuous Persistence

Continuous Persistence will bring you to full bloom

5 Keys to Having Never Ending Persistence

Entrepreneurs and Home business owners face a great challenge that is different from when you work for the other man. This is because many times we are working by ourselves and all the responsibility falls on our shoulders.

I am fortunate or unfortunate, this depends on which way you think of the situation, to work in both worlds. I work long days then come home take care of the around the house daily things then switch modes to begin working on my home business.

Some days this is not difficult at all to make the transition. But then, there are the other times when it is more challenging to get started. Then there are the super difficult days that you just want to sit down and rest.

It is during these times that I need encouragement to be persistent in to move forward. Bob Clarke has been working his business part-time for many years and has seen just about every challenge that faces home business owners.

When I was in one of those modes where I needed that kind of encouragement I found a Daily Dose of Awesome that had been recorded by Bob that was just what I needed to hear.

I want to share that with you on this blog post today. And I am going to give you the opportunity to hear Bob him in the audio below.

Here is a breakdown of what I understand from Dr Bob's Daily Dose of Awesome. 

#1 Expect obstacles —

Expect challenges!  Expect to get knocked down and at the same time, avoid dwelling on this because then you will start to attract those thing into your life.

The Boy Scout motto —  “Be Prepared”  This way you are not blindsided by the challenges  They hit everybody and they hit often. This is what separates us from those who quit.  

#2 Set your Intention

Say to yourself — I will not be stopped!  I will treat every obstacle as a stepping stone to the next level!  I will never be denied and nothing can stop me in the pursuit of my dreams! I will not be stopped! Never, never give up!  

An example is while I was writing this blog — I lost the contents 6 times! It would not save correctly four times.  So what I had wrote disappeared. Start over.  The battery died on my laptop. I got a call from my day job and had to leave, and I forgot to save my work.   Finally, I have what you are now reading. 

Create your own but set your intentions.

#3 Think of the Alternative

You have a VISION of somebody that you want to be ( a “to be” goal), remember it.  Remind yourself of your “WHY.”  Why you are doing this in the first place.  Remember if it was easy everybody would be successful.  

You have a vision! A POWERFUL VISION — think of the alternative … going back to the couch and watching other people’s dreams on the big screen.   It needs to be your movie in the theatre of your mind so it can become reality! 

#4 Have a life line

Even professional swimmers get caught in the undercurrent or the fast moving waters of the river from time to time. They need somebody to throw them a lifeline  to help pull them back in.  During the tough times, you need to have that somebody when life is really getting the best of you.

It can be anyone you choose, a family member, a friend, a coach, or a sponsor.  The EMP has two built-in groups to be your lifeline for you and you could be another person’s lifeline.  

#5   Outsource your obstacles when possible

Technology is one that you can Outsource to such places as  Try to learn that you can't do everything, even though we want to.  If you are like I am … there is only one of me. 

 You can also get somebody else to do your writing. Copywriting is something that people get paid for and that's all they want to do. 

You can hire a coach which is probably the most important thing you could do for yourself.

So outsource when you can.  Determine the value of your time.  It maybe that you pay someone to clean your house so you can use that time to work on the income.  Look at your options.  


Now, consider … why do most people give up?

#1 — they are lazy – this is not you.  You want to be in the top 20% of earners.  That is why you are here learning.

#2 — their “why” is not strong enough! Their vision is not strong enough and they can't turn to that for encouragement.

#3 — they are not prepared to meet the challenges that are coming. So they get knocked on their butt and do not get up.

You MUST understand — the obstacles are coming to take your vision away!  You understand that … right?  They are trying to take away your vision.

Your automatic failure mechanism is working. If you do not Activate your success mechanism then your failure mechanism and the obstacles will win.

There is help to win the Battle

There is a system that will help you.  It is Elite Marketing Pro. It is designed to help  home business and more to succeed.  Here is what you can do to see for yourself.  There is a free 10 day boot camp that shows you how to Attract people to your business.  And if you decide this might be for you – inside the system there is a free coaching program and two communities to help you have consistant persistance.   

If you have found this helpful please like it and share it with others who may benefit from it also.

Thank you, to your success,


You can contact me here

Enduring Investments Inc or Baxter Cribbs on Facebook.

PS.  The skill of Marketing can be and is used in every field of life. Elite Marketing Pro has the tools you need to have a continuing learning process. 

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